Colors for my mk1

When it comes to our vehicle, something that excites us is definitely choosing a color. Without much effort we can close our eyes and imagine the final result. Bright, smooth and without any dents. Beautiful from head to toe.

But once we take action, we get a lot of doubts, and we see that what we thought easy, also becomes a matter of in-depth discussion. Do I want something classic or should I step up my game with a fun color?

There is an extensive range in colors for all tastes, but we also know the original colors that we are sure many purists will enjoy.

How do I know I’m choosing the right tone?

Here’s a format where you can see the tones that were used by VW in 1975.

Some examples, The Rallye Yellow

Rallare Red

Yosemite Yellow

Miami blue

Just to mention a few, this way you will have no problems and choose the right tone for your project.

Which one is your favorite?